
CourseHorse Learner’s Scholarship – $1,000

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The CourseHorse Learner’s Scholarship is all about learning and students that have passion for education are welcome to apply for their chance at a $1,000 scholarship opportunity.  CourseHorse focuses on finding affordable classes for students while also offering discounts and rewards.  They would like to give students a chance to earn some money towards their education.  CourseHorse will award two students with a $1,000 scholarship each.  The scholarship is offered semi-annually with deadlines at the end of November for the winter semester and end of April for the fall semester.  Students can choose to submit their work either by a blog or a video.  Students wishing to submit their work by a blog should submit their response of maximum 1,000 words on the topic given to their personal blog.  Students should  then share their work on a social media and email their link for submission.  Those students that do not blog can email their essay directly.  Students wishing to submit their work with a video should create a video of up to 2 minutes and upload it to YouTube and then share their work on a social media with proper tags.  Students will also need to email their video and YouTube link along with a short description of their project (up to 150 words) in order to be considered.  Students must be 25 years of age or younger as well as citizens of the U.S. to apply.  Applicants need to be enrolled in college or a university to apply and even high school seniors can come and apply.

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