
BusinessPlanToday Scholarship – $1,000

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With so many new businesses launching, it is important to know what the steps are to reaching success and how to actually get there.  Business plans are a good beginning to constructing a business and eventually generate out the plan to an ideal venture.  The BusinessPlanToday Scholarship is a great opportunity for students that can help them prepare for the career world and get a head start by gaining experience and knowledge.  Students get to learn about the world of business and how to keep it on its feet.  They has been helping entrepreneurs get a head start with their own business plans by showing them the steps to eventually turning their business ideas into reality.  This scholarship is open to students that are high school seniors and students currently enrolled in a university full-time.  International students are also given an opportunity to receive educational funds and are welcome to apply.  Applicants are required to submit a business plan executive summary and a short personal biography by the deadline.  This annual scholarship opens every January and has a deadline in December.  This time, BusinessPlanToday would like to see student’s abilities at putting together a business plan executive summary and award one student with the $1,000 scholarship for creating the most outstanding business plan.  It is important that students make sure that they business plan is unique and creative, while also being persuasive.  The student with the best business plan will be awarded the funds for the following spring semester.  Hopefully, in return, this scholarship opportunity will help many students get prepared for their future business plans.

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