
How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter

Scholarship thank you letter

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Scholarship thank you letter How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter

Why Should I Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter?

Winning a scholarship means that you’re doing well for yourself. It means your writing skills are up to scratch, you wrote a compelling essay that convinced a donor or foundation that you are worth investing in. It’s a nice boost for your ego as well as for your college fund. Plenty to reason to reach out to your generous beneficiary and send them a heartfelt thank you! Not that a donor expect anything in return from a student, but a well written scholarship thank you letter is always appreciated and a great reminder to the donor why they are giving the money in the first place. It can even help secure further scholarships for future students. Isn’t it a nice thought that your act today can help others tomorrow?

How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter

Writing a letter to someone you know is not easy at the best of times. Writing to someone you never met and will likely never meet is even harder. Don’t fret though! Two things you already know before starting are: a: what you will write about and b: who you are writing to. And that helps. Also no one expect your scholarship thank you letter to be the same length as your scholarship application essay. This basically means that your scholarship thank you letter doesn’t need to be very long or complicated at all.Make sure you address the right person, tell them you are honored to receive (Name of the Scholarship). Write a few lines how their scholarship influences your scholarship experience.

Thank you them for their thoughtful gift/generous donation etc and write a couple of sentences how your college education will contribute to your future. Sign off with another thank you and you’re more or less done.

That doesn’t look too hard, right?

A few more tips for a successful scholarship thank you letter:

  1. Write clearly and concisely.
  2. Double-check for typos and grammatical errors.
  3. Express enthusiasm.
  4. Be sincere.
  5. Send it typewritten in business format.
  6. Use quality paper.

For a few examples on how to write a nice scholarship thank you letter, check out this article. It has a ton of valuable information.

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