
Maryknoll Student Essay Contest for Christians

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The Maryknoll Student Essay Contest asks students to put a Christian perspective on an issue going on in the world. This year, that issue was bullying, which has become a prominent problem in schools around the world. You do not technically have to be a Christian to apply for this scholarship, but you will have to relate the life of Jesus to whatever you write. Just be prepared for that whenever you apply. Here are some other stipulations you may have to abide by if you want to enter the Maryknoll Student Essay Contest.

The Maryknoll Student Essay Contest at a Glance

  • Award Amount: $150 – $1,000
  • Number of Awards: 3
  • Minimum GPA: None
  • Minimum Test Scores: None
  • Eligible Applicants: Christian students grades 6 through 12

Maryknoll Student Essay Contest Eligibility Requirements
To apply for the Maryknoll Student Essay Contest, you must be in the 6th to 12th grade. You must be able to submit your work in English, and you must not be the child of a Maryknoll employee. Furthermore, you have to have an understanding of Christian values and teachings so that you can write about them for your essay. As long as you turn in your application before the deadline, you should be able to win a chance at this award.

Maryknoll Student Essay Contest Application Details
If you want to apply for the Maryknoll Student Essay Contest, you will need to write a 500 to 700 word essay about a prompt from the organization. This year’s theme is “Jesus and Bullying.” The assignment on the website says: “Bullying is a serious problem among young people today. Tell a story of how you or someone you know experienced bullying. Then explain how you think Jesus would tell all those involved to handle the situation.” Type or neatly write your essay, and then turn it in through the mail or the internet. If you are selected as a winner for your division, you will soon hear word about how to collect your money.

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